
Rev. (Dr.) B. Dunai with his wife Vekholu and son Hababiangpor

Rev. (Dr) B. Dunai is the founder and Senior Pastor of the Now Generation Outreach Revival Assembly, Meghalaya. Since the late 70s he has been the catalyst of birthing a vibrant renewal movement of fellowships and growing churches by networking in combined partnership that crosses denominational lines and builds connecting heartfelt relationships.

He is also one of the Christian leaders in Northeast India especially in his home state Meghalaya who has a matured distinct leadership gift and is considered as a powerful voice to the Body of Christ reaching even to leaders of political and social groups with the transforming power of the love of Jesus Christ. Multiplied thousands of people have committed themselves to Christ in every meeting of the Healing Services he has conducted where he ministers under the strong apostolic and intense prophetic divine anointing of the Holy Spirit.

His deepest desire is to mobilize jointly the Bible believing believers irrespective of denominations to reach the unreached and tell the untold with the Gospel of Christ. His dream is to see Christian churches that will thoroughly change the atmosphere of their neighbourhoods and communities.

His passionate vision is for the whole Church to rise up in the love, grace, mercy and power of God united as one body without compromising the pure Word of God strategically joining hearts and hands together for world missions.

Historical Overview

by Rev. Orland Prosper Pathaw, B.D. (Presbyterian Church, Shillong)

In 1974, Rev (Dr) Batkupar Dunai of the Church of God launched out a non-denominational ministry called “Now Generation Outreach”. His message is for all believers irrespective of denominations to experience the blessings of God. The theme of the ministry is “Salvation of souls, healing of their bodies, deliverance from bad habits and power of darkness and the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the gift of tongues for all believers.” In no matter of time his teachings spread like wild fire, [and people] even from remote village[s] came to Shillong to attend the Bible studies and prayers services he conducted. This ministry touched many young people in whom many found new life in Christ and new power of the Holy Spirit. Many of them have become pastors, evangelists and full time workers of different churches and others have started their own ministries and churches, reaching people with the gospel beyond the borders of Meghalaya. A weekly newspaper from Calcutta writes, “The Now Generation Outreach” has come a long way from its small beginning. This interdenominational ministry, which was founded by Bro. B. Dunai in 1974… God is using it to bring the charismatic message in an “interdenominational” way to the Roman Catholics and Protestants of different churches in many parts of North East India.” [The Herald, Vol XXI, No.4, (Calcutta, Friday Jan. 25th, 1985). p.8]

Indeed Rev. (Dr) B. Dunai and his ministry has become like a mentor to untold number of people and a catalyst mover and shaker of the Charismatic message especially for the Khasi and Jaintia people above the confinement of denominational walls.

Orland Prosper Pathaw, The Study of the Charismatic Movement and Its Impact on the Mainline Churches of the Khasi Hills (B.D. Thesis submitted to the Senate of Serampore University, 2006), pp.42-43

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4 Comments to “About”

  1. Good to see His doings on your web. May God continue to use you and your ministry!!

  2. Praise the lord. Uncel i am avinash from vijayawada. I am fine i hope same with you. I received you’r message. I also listen to you’r easter message in you tube. It has been so much blessing for us. Please………………. keep me in you’r prayers. Thank you.

  3. Beloved BahBat, So wonderful to see the special family we love in Shillong on the web. Thank you for all your prayers, ministry and encouragement to the people of God. Blessings to the family….Bro. Noel, Sis. Michelle, Salome and Samuel

  4. Praise the Lord Pastor,
    i have seen ur video through youtube thats amazing , God is moving mighty on ur ministry, thank u for remembering me & sending SMS to me . surely i will pray for ur ministry, u also pray for my ministry.
    Let the name of Jesus Christ be glorified.
    once again i thank u pastor.

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